Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Month Old!

Sunday, August 7th
Is the cutest little person :)
Loves the fan
Can hold his head up
Lost all his hair on the top of his head
Slept 5 hours at night 4 times, 4 hours several times

Makes lots of grumpy, grunting noises (more than he cries)
Doesn't like Sidney kisses
Falls asleep really fast to the sound of the vacuum
Loves car rides and walks
Makes lots and lots of different faces
Is a really good eater
Outgrew Gerber brand newborn onesies.
Showing that he's gonig to have brown eyes
Smiles big (not on command yet) and when he does, it looks like daddy's baby pictures

Owen really is such a good baby!  We could not ask for a sweeter, easier child.  Let's hope it stays that way when he's two.. and 16 :).  He is growing up way too fast already.  I can't believe how fast the month has gone!

P.S. I think the car seat is shrinking just a bit...


  1. what a sweet boy! :)

  2. Jen! He is so adorable! I love his hair. P.s Awesome job on that quilt! So cute!
