Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More love from Max

Out of the blue Max told Rachel: "J has a baby named Owen, he is my new best friend"  I totally love this boy!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love from Cousins

Jack, age 6 (he'll be 7 in June, crazy!) told me "You're going to be just as good of a mom as my mom, and she's the best mom!" 

Jack agrees with me when I tell him he'll be the best cousin ever. 

Max, age 3, is also enjoying my pregnancy.  We have a lot in common now that I'm pregnant.  He also has a baby boy in his tummy, but his baby is named Baby Buzz. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sam finally felt a kick

Lately Owen has been on a regular kicking schedule.  Around 9-10 am, 12-2 pm, and 4-5 pm.  I feel him again a little bit later in the evening, but those are never very strong.  This schedule has been tough for Sam to feel any movement, since I am at work those times. 

This morning I went to work late because I am trying to fight off a cold.  I was sleeping in, and Sam came to bed (after working last night) around 9:30.  Him coming to bed woke me up, so I ate a banana, and layed back down.  Sam said "Hi wife" and cuddled behind me.  A few minutes later I felt Owen kick!  I had Sam put his hand on my stomach.  Another kick, and I asked Sam if he had felt it.  He said he wasn't sure.  There were a few more little ones that I didn't ask him about, and then another big one.  He said it felt it!  Yay!  He told me that was really cool, and kissed me goodnight :). 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Made Me Jump

Out of no where today I felt a strong kick in my stomach.  It scared me, and I jumped!  My first thought/instinct was that pain was going to follow, but then I realized it was Owen making his presence known.  I couldn't believe how strong it was!  Definitely the strongest yet.